Puppy School
Dakota's puppies are 7 weeks old and we are working on various different skills. We have started clicker training and crate training. ...

Holy Tornado batman!
Well to say the least we have had a pretty exciting couple of days here at RCK. Tuesday night we had a run in with a tornado that did...

Home Sweet Home!
So you search the internet and find a breed you like that you think will suit your family. You go on google and search "Aussalier...

Small Mini Aussie Litter
For all of you that have been requesting this pairing, the time has come! Cash and Rosie are due for their first Mini Aussie litter on...

The Countdown Begins!
Well 6 days to go until Dakota's litter arrives. We've got the whelping box set up and Dakota is all settled in. She's got a cozy, warm,...

MN Pet Breeders Annual Seminar
This weekend (Friday & Saturday) I attended the annual MN pet breeders seminar. I am a member and attend these meetings to stay up to...

"Counting my chickens"
I hate to "count my chickens before they've hatched" so to speak but I know there are a lot of excited people waiting for an Aussalier...

Due June 14th
Our Pearl & Parker litter was bred successfully last night and right on schedule! If everything goes as planned that litter will be due...

June Litter
With all of the excitement about our May litter going on, I forgot to announce that we are expecting another litter in June! Pearl is on...

We're Expecting!!
Drum Roll Please...... Puppies on the way! We made a visit to the vet today and confirmed via ultrasound that Dakota is pregnant. Today...